Listen to Dizmo’s Debut Album ‘Ghetto 2 Mayadi’


Dizmo has finally served us the highly anticipated” Ghetto 2 Mayadi” album.

Apa Ili So Entertainment’s rapper Dizmo has finally gifted his fans his debut album titled “Ghetto 2 Mayadi, “which is highly appreciated and making rounds on social media.

The music project consists of 19 impressive tracks and features notable artists like Willz, Kekero, T-Sean, Chef 187, Stevo, Yo Maps, Tim, Dope G, Jemax, Jae Cash, Drifta Trek, Mubby Roux, Bobby East, Muzo and Izrael.

On the production line, he hired the expertise of Eazy The Producer, C Mark, C.O.B, Ricore, Melar Beats, SQ Beats, Mr Stash, Kofi Mix, DJ Black, Yungkid and Shinko Beats.

The album is a masterpiece and should certainly slide on your playlist without hesitation.

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