What better way to inject a fresh feel of hope into 2021, than with the word ‘Lenga’!
Singer and songwriter, Crystal Asige has today released her coastal-inspired, double-entendre single – ‘Lenga’.
The song is as much about aiming for higher (the glass ceilings), as it is about ignoring the whispers and rumours that many often come across on their way to achieving their goals and dreams.
Thrilling, unapologetic and liberated, Crystal explains her message behind the message: “It’s simple – if you want to fly you have to let go of the things that weigh you down!”
Once again, Miss Asige pays homage to her hometown of Mombasa with Taraab infused melodies and Giriama styled chants that carry us into that simple, but rich and freeing chorus.
This single and its music video certainly is a piece of ‘Art-ivism” as Crystal likes to call it, an anthem to everyone and encourages them to do and be exactly who they want to be.
Now poised to join some of the great Kenyan female artists in 2021, her tireless energy, positivity and drive were never going to allow Crystal to settle for anything other than high expectations.
“I want my legacy to turn the words impossible into ‘possible’ and disability into ‘ability’,” said Crystal.
Go on and listen to Lenga below and on all music streaming platforms.
Follow and Subscribe: @CrystalAsige