CJ Kahyata – Be Grateful
James kahyata, better known by his stage name, CJ kahyata, is a singer and songwriter. He was born and raised in Lusaka in the year 1995. CJ started his music career in 2014, right after graduating from high school. Most of CJ’s music has been live performances since his career. His music is based on life, love, and God.
Be Grateful is inspired by CJ kahyata’s daily troubles. Life is the most important thing one could ever have. Looking around, everyone seems to be succeeding in everything they do. Putting up with family and friends’ expectations can get you complaining and think life is unfair. Besides, life’s about good times and bad times. If you are alive, there’s a 100% chance that every condition you may be in will change. Be grateful for your life because what you have today, small or huge, there’s is a time you never had them.
The creative hands of Jae Mixer carried out the song’s production.
Listen and download the song below.