Chile One Mr Zambia Is Set To Clarify Matters “On The Table”


On October 29th, Chile One Mr Zambia will appear on Chimweka’s show “On The Table.” The artist has hinted that he will address some issues during the interview, including his thoughts about not winning the Kwacha Music Awards this year.

In an interview, the artist expressed discontent about not being recognized at the awards show, saying, “I wanted to post ati mfumyenimo mu fyabupuba, naibwelelemofye.”

Chile One has complained that other artists haven’t shared his new song “Be My Teacher“, but he doesn’t care.

The artist has also aimed Chef 187, saying that people who praise him online don’t know what they are following. It remains to be seen what Chile One will say about Chef 187 on “On The Table”, but it is sure to be a hot topic to talk about.

Chile One’s fans have come out in full force to support him on social media, rallying behind him and encouraging him to continue making great music despite the negative criticism from haters. It will be interesting to see what Chile One says during his appearance on “On The Table” this coming Sunday.

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